Barbara Pope
Contact Information
(218) 838-8984
I was born in Montana on a cattle and wheat ranch in the north eastern area just below Canada. There is a very small town with several grain eelevators called Four Buttes near the ranch. My third great grandfather came from Quebecm Canada and settled in this area and developed the ranch.
My younger years were spent on the family ranch with my parents, Leo and Shirley, and my two older frothers and younger brother. Also, my grandparents, Amie and Alma Carrier, and my uncle Marcell and his family. Unfortunately, my mother did not do well in such an isolated life and she diveroced my father and we moved to Minneapolis, MN, to be near her family.
I attended UOM to study Archtiecture for three years. During my lst year of studies, I became a spirit-filled Christian and moved to Kirdland, WA to study at Northwest Bible College. I graduated with a BA in Biblical Studies, BA in Christian Education, and an AA in Early Childhood Education.
My life took many interesting paths, which grew my relationship with God and my discipleship. During this transforming time I received my call to ministry. It is a specific call from the Lord, to "Prepare the soil and plant the seeds." There is no one interpretation of this call for the Lord has used me in a veriety of ways at each church I have served. Yet I have always "prepared and planted seeds" wherever I was appointed.
I have served coutnry, city, and town churches of various sizes and needs. The ministry has always been interesting and exciting to see what god will do with me and the congregations. There have been mission trips, college s[ring break trips to serve Habitat for Humanity, new ways of doing Sunday School and VBS, and starting a food bank ministry by a youth group that's still in existence today.
I have a son, Micah, who will be finishing his BA at OSUM to teach English in Japan. I also have a dog, Zilla, and one cat named Koda Kitty Kat.
My interests are taking pictures of unusal things in nature, reading, hiking, sailing, mission trips, volunteering at animal shelters, and being with Zilla and Kitty Kat.